Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Robert Reich and Joan Walsh: Don't Blame the Republicans

David sent these two links along. As a lifetime liberal Democrat, I've been feeling much the same thing. But to have our own liberal Cicero Robert Reich say it really confirmed it. It should not be viewed as a disservice to calmly assess our own failures. 
And at the risk of offending the larger group, I believe that Joan Walsh's comments about OFA and the administration it serves need to be read, not to dampen enthusiasm, but to lovingly and carefully steer their efforts in a sound direction. That is, in a direction that matches President Obama's campaign promises.
Having said that, you still need to go to the rally today. If you're dissatisfied with the administration, OFA, or the constant appeals for cash from Mitch Stewart because you feel the public option or single payer was abandoned far too early, please make a sign that pushes for a robust public option or single payer.

Whatever you do, DO NOT give up. 

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