Monday, August 31, 2009

Senator Feinstein's Position Paper Released

I just confirmed with Senator Feinstein's staff that this is in fact her position paper on health care,  which was released late Friday.

I'll be posting comments later on your responses. For the moment, I'll admit that I personally found  former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole's opinion piece in The Washington Post more in the tradition of the Democratic Party.

And Bob Dole is a Republican.  I hate to say it, but when Republican Former Senate Majority Leaders are better Democrats than our current Democratic representatives, then WE should be headed to protest at City Hall. And if you can't make it to that one, try one of these.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going through Sen. Feinstein's position posting. I'm not keen on her injecting the debt and "debt interest" in a discussion of health delivery, which she equates to "entitlement."

    But what's the response here to the impact of a Medicaid component of a "reform" on our state infrastructure, for which states are typically responsible for over 50%?

    Feinstein states she can't support a "new entitlement, like a subsidy, that will grow over time. So how about a deficit-neutral senate, Senator? You could work pro bono, no?
